Archive for News - page 32

Thumbs Up on Prairie Grove Town Center

Thumbs Up on Prairie Grove Town Center

Article in the Northwest Herald | May 26th, 2010 | By: Joseph Bustos The Prairie Grove Planning and Zoning Commission gave a thumbs up Tuesday to the village’s downtown vision. The recommendation now goes to the Village Board for final approval, which will vote on…

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Progress Continues on Western Springs Downtown Plan

Progress Continues on Western Springs Downtown Plan

Article in The Chicago Sun Times | By: Wynn Koebel Foster Committees are making progress on the downtown redevelopment plan in Western Springs, Planning and Zoning Chairman Marcia Buell told the Village Board on Monday. “The Steering Committee met on May 6 to discuss proposals…

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Astellas Glenview Development Draws Governor

Astellas Glenview Development Draws Governor

Digging In! Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn had shovel-in-hand, as 8 acres of earth was being turned in Glenview for Astellas new pharmaceutical headquarters. Teska helped set the stage for this groundbreaking event, which is sure to ignite economic activity, create new jobs, and serve as…

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Canton named finalist for All-America City Award through the National Civic League

Canton named finalist for All-America City Award through the National Civic League

Teska is proud to announce that the City of Canton is one of 27 finalists for an All-America City Award, sponsored by the National Civic League. Over the past few years, Teska has assisted Canton with a variety of projects, including its Comprehensive Plan, Downtown…

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Prairie Grove Dreams of Town Center

Prairie Grove Dreams of Town Center

Article in the Northwest Herald | February 25th, 2010 | By: Lee Ann Gill Teska Associates in conjunction with Metro Transportation Group, LandUse | USA, Metra and RTA (Regional Transit Authority) met with residents on Wednesday night to host a public open house and discuss…

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