The Village of Libertyville Transit Oriented Development (TOD) / Downtown Plan built on the Village’s history of planning for the business district, with a specific focus on an area directly around the commuter rail station (METRA). The plan, partially funded by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), focused on the TOD area that extends one-quarter mile around the downtown Libertyville Metra Station (considered an easily walkable distance) and includes a mix of uses.
Downtown Libertyville is a thriving destination for shopping, restaurants, entertainment, and public spaces. The plan evaluated existing land use, zoning, transportation, and real estate market factors to consider how a history of cooperation and creative plan implementation could best be continued for potential new developments and overall district enhancement. Recommendation for plan implementation included redevelopment scenarios for three sites, addition of pedestrian safety enhancements, design and zoning options for the north side of the study area (not developed in a TOD form), and ideas for continued market strength.