The Chalk May Fade But The Movement Continues...
Evanston’s Fountain Square Plaza came to life in a new way on Sunday, May 31st when locals from throughout the City rallied for the Black Lives Matter movement. Fulfilling its intended role as a central public gathering space, Fountain Square transformed into a hub for protestors who assembled to demand justice and systemic change. As the photos below by Steve Jordan of Evanston Photographic Studios showcase, "placemaking" is a verb centered on people, awareness and action. Whether connecting with friends over the everyday ordinary lunch... or making history by standing in solidarity for a better future, Fountain Square continues to unite residents and serve as Evanston's community canvas.
Black Lives Matter Chalk Design in Evanston's Fountain Square Plaza | Photo Credit: Steve Jordan of Evanston Photographic Studios
Black Lives Matter Rally in Evanston's Fountain Square Plaza | Photo Credit: Steve Jordan of Evanston Photographic Studios
Thank you to the wonderful Steve Jordan at Evanston Photographic Studios for these inspiring images, captured in the early waking hours using drone photography.
Read more about the Evanston Black Lives Matter March and Rally.