Transit-Friendly Communities Guide

  • Concept depicts new transit-friendly enhancements in a prototypical suburban downtown with a rail station: new mixed-use and residential development on underutilized parking and vacant lots, multi-family housing redevelopment near the train station, enhanced pedestrian connections to/from transit, and a new public gathering space

    Concept depicts new transit-friendly enhancements in a prototypical suburban downtown with a rail station: new mixed-use and residential development on underutilized parking and vacant lots, multi-family housing redevelopment near the train station, enhanced pedestrian connections to/from transit, and a new public gathering space

  • For this urban train station and bus route concept, transit-friendly enhancements include: infill residential and commercial development on vacant lots, a bikeshare station, and enhanced crosswalks to make pedestrian crossings safer

    For this urban train station and bus route concept, transit-friendly enhancements include: infill residential and commercial development on vacant lots, a bikeshare station, and enhanced crosswalks to make pedestrian crossings safer

  • Transit-friendly enhancements to a prototypical bus corridor: new residential with increased densities and commercial development on underutilized parking lots, pedestrian connections from the bus stops and sidewalks to building entrances, a new public gathering space, and narrower roadways and enhanced crosswalks to make pedestrian crossings safer

    Transit-friendly enhancements to a prototypical bus corridor: new residential with increased densities and commercial development on underutilized parking lots, pedestrian connections from the bus stops and sidewalks to building entrances, a new public gathering space, and narrower roadways and enhanced crosswalks to make pedestrian crossings safer

  • The guide includes graphics depicting optimal land use densities needed to support high-frequency transit

    The guide includes graphics depicting optimal land use densities needed to support high-frequency transit