A Former Alleyway Transforms to a People-Focused Street
Glencoe, IL
Project Highlights
Closure of Glencoe Drive, providing additional green space, seating space and on street parking for businesses
Reuse of Village paving and protection of existing trees
Planter curbs, specialty benches, and coordinated site furniture
Specialty lighting features applied to bollard lights, underlit seating, and pavement lighting at the mid-block crossing
Access to power for community events
Historically an alleyway serving the backs of businesses, Glencoe’s Tudor Court has ‘grown up’ to a full-fledged street, providing access to local businesses and Writers Theatre. When presented with a need to improve the roadway, the Village turned to the community for inspiration. Teska led the concept planning thru construction documentation and construction oversight for this space, including coordination with staff, advisory committee, elected officials, businesses, and neighbors. The result is a street space that prioritizes places for people.
“I walked down Tudor Court yesterday in the early evening when the lights were on and just wanted to tell you that I think that it turned out so well! Very tastefully done, very attractive, great attention to detail, really nice! I also walked along the new walkway north to Glencoe Drive and that is a really nice amenity too.”
- Glenco Resident