The Winnetka Downtown Streetscape Plan has been formally adopted by the Village Council. Big thanks to the community, staff and council for your vision, hard work and enthusiasm for Downtown Winnetka!
The village board during its Tuesday meeting voted unanimously in favor of the plan, which will bring improvements to the Elm Street business district, said David Schoon, Winnetka’s community development director.
“The village council is excited to move forward with this project,” Schoon said. “Streetscape improvements came out of the downtown master plan. I think they’re ready to see some improvements in the downtown.”
In the News:
- Winnetka signs off on $8 million plan to develop and enhance downtown area
- Chicago Tribune Article | June 21st, 2018
He said development of the plan will occur over the rest of this year and into next year, and that residents can expect to see changes starting in spring 2019. He also said the first phase of the plan calls for improvements on Chestnut Street between Spruce and Elm streets.
“Expect to start to see enlarged bump-outs at intersections that would create spaces for people to come and gather,” Schoon said. “Also, trees will be planted in the bump-outs and taken out of the sidewalk to create more space for outside dining to occur and to allow people easier access on the sidewalks.”